Me, Jill and Ronan leaving the hospital.
The kids love the baby. Sadie thinks she doing something, like helping hold him or something with that halo action. Does she think a burst of wind is coming to knock off his beanie? Who knows???
Well, it happened. Thurs morning we went to the hospital at 7:30 and got in the room about 8:00. Jill was dilated 5cm when we got there and the Beckster broke her water around 8:30. Like clockwork, the contractions starting coming quick and fierce. Next, the epidural and at 11:oo the nurse checked again and said, "Well, he's right there. You're ready. Let's have a baby." The doc showed up at 11:15 and got prepped and Jill started pushing at 11:33. Ronan was born at 11:35, no joke, I'm the witness (yes, those are all AM times). We feel really blessed to live in this day with all the luxuries and comforts we enjoy. The whole delivery part of having kids seems too easy(at least from my point of view). Jill did awesome and deserves all the credit in the world.
Here's the deets: 7lbs. 13.5 ozs. 20 inches long. Some brown hair and looks identical to Brody when he was a newborn. I think he's got more Arnett in him than our other kids do/did, especially when he's awake. Thanks to our families for doing so much for us and helping out our little family. We really appreciate it and love all of your support and love. Feel free to come by and check him out, I like chocolate malted crunch ice cream and Jill likes Golden Spoon (fruity flavors). Syke. Ok, the chocolate malted crunch is OK to bring. As for little Ronan...I got one word...perfect.