last week Brody turned 5! I really can't believe it. For His birthday Noah and I took him out by himself and let him pick where we ate. He picked Chuck E. Cheese. Where else would a 5 year old boy pick to eat? He played games afterward for about an hour and won about 250 tickets. He was in heaven all night. Later we took him to Target to buy something with his birthday money. He picked a Baukagon (don't know how to spell that) set. It was really cute..when he got to the register he just gave the money right to the guy and forgot to put the toy up on the register because he was so excited.
I am so grateful for Brody. He is such a good and sweet boy. He is really a good helper. He puts all the diapers in the black garbage, empties the recycle, cleans the playroom by himself, cleans his room, helps make his bed, and picks up the backyard. He loves to do "jobs" and is always wanting money for doing jobs. We could not imagine our lives without Brody. We love him so much!