Friday, June 27, 2008

I can't handle how much I love these two..

and then in a close second is these two..

Who's your favorite??


Janel said...

I can't pick one!!!! :D

Amy F. said...

Those are two of my top three favorites. I also love Kerrington and Twitch! I can't say that I like one couple more than the other either!!

Chelsea said...

I can't narrow down my fav yet either. I really like these two, plus like Amy, I love "Twichington." I live for Wednesday and Thursdays. Why can't it be on more?! :)

Sorry you have been getting the creepies commenting on here. I'd love to keep reading! My "blog" email is I will accept it with my normal one though. Have a good weekend!

Maddy said...

So I know we already discussed this, but I loved Bleeding Love -- and I finally watched Thursdays show.

chris+amber said...

I'm in love with all of 'em! This season is too good! I was sad to see Chelsea go. Her hair is so freakin' cute!

Lindsie said...

ok, I am glad that I am not the only one who is hooked on this show. And I do love the first couple, they are my favorite as well.

Teagan said...

I want in...

I am in love with those two, too!!!

amberbuck said...

couln't agree more

Kat said...

So I haven't gotten into the show at all- how has it turned out??

Thanks for the sweet comment while I was gone! It's good to be home, and I can't wait to hang out soon!
Yes, Annie took my pics and did a great job! The girl who does my hair is her ex's cousin-- so that's how I got in touch with her.
Funny that you're friends. She is SO cute, and I seriously want to set her up with my brother. We tried when he was here before, but it didn't quite happen. She is actually friends with some of Scott's friends as well.
blah blah. Hope you guys are doing well!

Krystal Arnett said...

Those are for sure my top two. I just love them. This season has been so great! It is my favorite show ever!!!